Haiglas oleva inimese pärandus – pettus

Järjekordne näide pettusest rahalise päranduse teatega. Lillian John on Aafrika haiglas, mürgitas ennast ja elab viimaseid päevi, pärandus 7,8 miljonit on fondis ja advokaat vormistab 50% sellest  teile (PETTUS).

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Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2020 13:48:23 +0000 (UTC)
From: lillian john <winsmarry7@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: lillianjohn16@yahoo.com
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Subject: Urgent from the hospital

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Urgent from the hospital

This is Ms. Lillian John, from Estonia writing from the hospital here in Ivory Coast; so this email is very urgent to participate. I want you to know that I’m dying here in this hospital right now, that I don’t know if I will be able to see more days to come.

My Beloved, I have been informed by my doctor that I have poisoned myself and affected the liver and can only live for a few days. The reason I contacted you today is because I know my step mother wants to kill me and take my inheritance from my father. I have a little adopted name Steven John baby that I adopted in this country when my father was alive and $ 7.8 million dollars that I inherited from my father. My step mother and her children are after Steven’s life right now because they found out that Steven was aware of the poison, and because I handed over the fund documents to him the day my step mom poisoned my food, for this reason they don’t want Steven to expose so that they are doing everything they can to kill him.

My Beloved, please I want you to help him get out of this country with money, the cure is just a take of me here in this hospital right now and also this e-mail you are reading now is he helping me out. I want you to come back to me so that he will give you the fund documents and direct you to a known lawyer that I have appointed, the lawyer will help you change the fund documents to your name to allow the money to be transferred to the bank ..

This is the favor I need when you got the bottom:

(1) Keep 30% of the money for Steven until he finishes his studies to become a man like him has been there for me, like my beautiful Son and I have promised to support him in life to become a doctor, because the desire always for it with the scholarship he had won so far. I want you to take him together with you to your country and establish him as your son.

(2) Indicate 20% of the money for the disabled and the charitable organization. The remaining 50% should be yours to assist my son Steven on this task.

Note; This should be a code between you and my son Steven in this transaction – (Code: Hospital). all mail from him, the lawyer he will head to, without this code – (Code: Hospital). it’s not from Steven, the Lawyer or me like I don’t know what will happen to me in the next few hours.

Finally, I write urgently brings me back so that Steven will send you his paintings to be sure who he is dealing with. Steven is 14, so drive it. Again if I don’t hear from you I will look for another person or any organization.

May Almighty God bless you and use you to fulfill my desire. Always pray for me.

Ms Lillian John.


Tõlge pettusest. yahoo.com aadressi kasutaja pakub fondis olevat summat 7,8 miljonit, mille saate vormistada endale läbi advokaadile tasude maksmise. Edasi peate summast kasutama 30% Steven’ile(Lilliani isa poeg) ja 20% puudega inimestele ning heategevuseks. Kirjutamise põhjus on fantastika: I contacted you today is because I know my step mother wants to kill me and take my inheritance from my father. (Ma võtsin täna sinuga ühendust, sest ma tean, et minu võõrasema tahab mind tappa ja võtta ära minu päranduse isalt).

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