WHO pettus: annetage bitcoini COVID-19 vastu

Maailma Tervishoiuorganisatsiooni nimega toimub korjandus ja soovitakse bitcoine saada. Tegemist on pettusega, mis sarnaneb varasematele skeemidele, et inimesed maksaksid bitcoine.

Eelmisel aastal saadeti sama andmebaasiga e-maile, et inimese arvuti on häkitud ja ähvardati avalikustada temast tehtud piinlik video kõigile tema kontaktidele. Tegelikult mingit videot ei olnud, inimese andmetele ligi ei saadud, kirja saatjaga ei saanud kontakti ja ähvardus oli ainult hirmutamine. Midagi ei juhtunud bitcoinide maksmata jätmisel.

From: “WHO” <wanida.s@35lineinnovation.com>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020
Reply-To: barmustshow@gmail.com bufferz.csloxinfo.com Dusit Bangkok TH AS4750 CS LOXINFO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Private IP assetpoint.info Dusit Bangkok TH AS9891 CS LOXINFO Public Company Limited.


Dear Sir/Ma,

The United Nations and the European Union in conjunction with Blockchain (Bitcoin) have created a solidarity fund to support the World Health Organization(WHO) and partners in a massive effort to help countries prevent, detect, and manage the novel coronavirus, particularly those where the needs are

The world is facing an unprecedented challenge with communities and economies everywhere affected by the growing COVID-19 pandemic. As the world is coming together to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and the United States’ decision to quit funding the World Health Organization(WHO), governments, organizations and individuals from across the globe are stepping up to help respon
d to this global outbreak. The outpouring of global solidarity and support sparked by this shared challenge has been phenomenal. Everyone can now directly support the response coordinated by the World Health Organization(WHO). Individuals and organizations who want to help fight the pandemic and support the World Health Organization(WHO) and partners can now donate throughthe COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund using the Bitcoin address below:


Endeavor to copy and paste the above Bitcoin address to avoid making any typographical mistake. Kindly make your goodwill donation towards this global humanitarian effort aimed at finding an effective treatment/vaccine for the COVID-19 virus.

Any amount donated is significant and will go a long way to save lives. Donors will be issued a United Nations/WHO Recognition Medal/Certificate depen ding on the amount donated;

$100-$5,000: Silver Medal/Certificate
$5,001-$20,000: Gold Medal/Certificate

Over $20,000: Platinum Medal/Certificate

Send proof of Bitcoin transfer and your passport to jasarevict@who-covid19relieffunds.com or barmustshow@gmail.com

Thanks you for your donation.

Tarik Jasarevic
Spokesperson/Media Relations
COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for
World Health Organization


Kirja kokkuvõte: Soovitakse COVID-19 vastase võitluse jaoks annetust bitcoinides, selle väärtuse järgi saate hõbedase sertifikaadi(100-5000 USD) või kuldse sertifikaadi (5001-20000 USD). Üle selle on plaatina sertifikaat. Koopia tehtud ülekandest tuleb saata e-mailiga who-covid19relieffunds.com või tasuta gmail.com aadressile.

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