Gibraltar spam

Mitu kuud olen postkastist leidnud sellist rämpsu, kus pealkirjas on “Gibraltar company” ja saatjaks on kirja saaja. Jah, just, kirja saaja on identne selle saatjaga. Alles kirjast seest võib lugeda, et vastata tuleb mingil teisel aadressil. Mis on tüüpiline pettustele, et kirjad saadetakse välja ühelt aadressilt ja loetakse hoopis teiselt.

Samuti on pettustele iseloomulik, et domeen on alles hiljuti registreeritud. Nii on ka sellel juhtumil.

 gibraltar company
gibraltar company

Received: from ([]:53878)
Company offering services in the e-commerce and IT fields is hiring representatives in Europe

5,000 Euro a month salary for just several hours invested each day plus a five-percent bonus

What we must have from you:
– Power of Attorney or ownership of a company or similar
– Responding to e-mail communications from us, daily
– Remain up to date with all the tasks
If this sounds right for you, please forward these following details to our company e-mail:

– Your Name
– Your Telephone Number in International Format
– E-mail Address
– Age

Please reply .a href=””>

Do not use the reply feature.
With Regards,
Division of Human Resources