Kas olete internetis pornot vaadanud või ennast sarnases olukorras filminud? Nüüd võite saada e-maili, et teie andmeid on häkitud ja teist on piinlikkust valmistav video. See lubatakse avalikustada ja saata kõigile teie tuttavatele kui te ei tasu 2000 dollari eest Bitcoine(juulis 2020 on hind 1225 USD).
Tegemist ei ole tõese ähvardusega. Isegi kui te olete pornot vaadanud, isegi kui te tegite endast pilte või videot, siis spami kirja saatjal neid faile ei ole. See on manipuleerimine inimese hirmude ja tunnetega.
Järgnev kiri tuli spami saatjate andmebaasis olevale e-mailile Lõuna-Aafrika Vabariigist. Selliseid Bitcoinide väljapressimise kirju saadeti jaanuaris 2019, vahepeal ka vene keeles ja nüüd kopeeritakse Aafrikas.
From: <carver42564@ecutel.net>
Subject: Your device is temporarily locked.
Date: 29 Jul 2020
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180
IP | Hostname | City | Region | Country | Organisation |
---|---|---|---|---|---| | Vredendal | Western Cape | ZA | AS37439 Breedenet |
I am a professional coder and I hacked your device’s OS when you =
visited adult website.
I’ve been watching your activity for a couple of =
If you don’t understand what I am talking =
about I can explain…My trojan malware lets me get access to my =
victim’s system.
It is multiplatform software with hVNC =
that can be installed on phones, PC and even tV =
It doesn’t have any AV’s detects because =
it is encrypted and can’t be detected =
becaause I update it’s signatures every 4 hour.I can turn on your camera, save your logs and do everything =
that I want and you won’t notice =
Now I have all your contacts, sm data and all logs =
from chats for the latest 2 months =
but it is not very useful without =
something that can spoil your =
reputation…I recorded your masturbation and the video =
that you watched. It was disgusting.
I can destroy your life by sending this stuff to =
everybody you know.If you want me to delete this stuff and =
avoid any problems you have to send $1225 to my =
bitcoin address: 133gp7wGpKFaB2C593B2MCk2G4abYnEj9j
If you don’t know how to buy bitcoins use Google, =
there are a lot of manuals about using, spending and =
buying this cryptocurrency.You have 50 hours from now to complete the =
payment. I have a notification that you =
are reading this message…tIME HAS GONE. Don’t try to respond because =
this email address is generated.Don’t try to complain because this and my =
bitcoin address can’t be tracked down.
If I notice that you shared this message =
everybody will receive your data.Bye!
Kokkuvõte kirjast. Tegemist on valetamisega, mingit nuhkimise programmi teie seadmes ei ole ja teie andmete lekkimist ei ole toimunud(isegi kui teil oli videokaamera ja tegite selle ees midagi häbiväärset). Pole mõtet kirjale vastata, see on masspostitus.
Lõpetuseks: Isegi kui te olete midagi piinlikku teinud või ennast filminud/pildistanud, siis neid ähvardusi ei tohi tasustada rumalusega, et maksategi e-maili saatjale. Tegemist on alusetu hirmutamisega.
Esimest korda kirjeldati sellist pettust bitcoinide saamiseks 19.01.2019 kirja avaldamisega.